Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 1

1. Google search your camera specs and user guide or manual.
Type in the 'make/ model/ specs/ user guide'
save the your digital guide.

2. Basic camera functions demonstration. Auto

3. Composition power point presentation

Rule of thirds  – place subject matter or horizon lines on these lines or where they intersect


Diagonal lines – Create a more dynamic image that draws the eye across the vertical and horizontal axis


Leading lines - Lead the eye around and into the image.


Framing - Can help to create the illusion of depth in an image and lead the eye in to this depth.

landscape or portrait – You need to choose one or the other
                                                 Portrait format for a portrait of a person 
                                                 Land scape format for a landscape or a person within a landscape.


Leave space for action

Tell a story

Colour attracts the eye

Gain control of what appears in the background of your photo

4. Home work
Take a photo of a
 walkway or path
an animal

Think about rule of thirds and leading lines when you take these photos.

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