Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 2 Aperture - Shutter Speed - ISO

1. Follow a demonstration on moving images from your camera onto your computer and file management. This will be different depending on your camera and computer.

2. Read the following refresher on the camera iso, Aperture and shutter speed.
4. After a demonstration from your teacher take several pictures using shutter speed priority mode on your camera. Take a photo of an object moving at a fast shutter speed and then a slow shutter speed.
5. For home work take photos of the following at a fast then slow shutter speed.
Flowing water
a person running or jumping.
a car driving past.

Day 1

1. Google search your camera specs and user guide or manual.
Type in the 'make/ model/ specs/ user guide'
save the your digital guide.

2. Basic camera functions demonstration. Auto

3. Composition power point presentation

Rule of thirds  – place subject matter or horizon lines on these lines or where they intersect


Diagonal lines – Create a more dynamic image that draws the eye across the vertical and horizontal axis


Leading lines - Lead the eye around and into the image.


Framing - Can help to create the illusion of depth in an image and lead the eye in to this depth.

landscape or portrait – You need to choose one or the other
                                                 Portrait format for a portrait of a person 
                                                 Land scape format for a landscape or a person within a landscape.


Leave space for action

Tell a story

Colour attracts the eye

Gain control of what appears in the background of your photo

4. Home work
Take a photo of a
 walkway or path
an animal

Think about rule of thirds and leading lines when you take these photos.