Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 6

1. Watch a demonstration on

Rembrandt light

Split light

Broad light

Butterfly light

loop light

2. Watch a demonstration on skin smoothing using Photoshop
3. Taking photos is also about selecting the best ones out of a bunch
From each of your photo-shoots select the three that you feel are the best.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 5

1. Finish off the your portrait shots from last week if you haven't taken them, try to replicate them in class using your class.
2. Follow a lesson on lighting and portrait photography.
Lighting Link One
Lighting Link Two
Lighting Link Three
Lighting Link Four - Three point lighting
Lighting Link Five - Two Point Lighting

Mona Lisa & portrait photography

3. For next week bring in some objects for a still life

here is a link to some still life you can try to emulate.

4. Have a go at correcting these photos using Photoshop

 Try to change the colour of the lotus so it still looks natural.

 Try to remove the Reserve parking sign.
Have a go at colour correcting and fixing the image below.



Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 4

1. Follow a demonstration on the five step process
Brightness contrast
Hue saturation

 2. Follow a quick demonstration on creating selective colour images.

3. Complete the correcting exercises from last class.

4. We will go out and try some long exposure using the tripods.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 3

1. Show your photos from last week using shutter speed priority and night time photography.

2.Follow a demonstration on aperture priority and having control over depth of field.


3. Follow the demonstration from your teacher covering Photoshop level adjustment, clone tool and fixing and retouching your photos.

Fix the following images.
Save the completed exercises to your thumb drive.